
For riders who have a disability that prevents them from making some or all of their trips on fixed-route buses, CAT offers a shared-ride, origin-to-destination service called ADA paratransit service. ADA paratransit service operates up to ¾ of a mile on either side of CAT’s fixed-route bus service during the same days and hours as the fixed-route bus service.

Concord Senior Transit (CST) is an origin-to-destination transportation for seniors 60 years and older in the Greater Concord Area (Boscawen, Bow, Concord, Pembroke, Penacook & Salisbury). The vehicles are wheelchair accessible and seniors riding the CST can easily access downtown Concord, go shopping, and get to medical appointments and recreational activities.


For service outside the Concord Area we offer Mid-State Transit. Mid-State Transit (MST) combines the efficiency of our demand-response bus service with the flexibly of our volunteer driver program. MST provides door-to-door transportation for seniors and persons with disabilities in Belknap and Merrimack Counties. Buses provide transportation within specific zones, on specific days of the week. We employ our volunteer driver program for essential trips outside the coverage area. Call 603-225-1989 for more information.


Different kinds of travel training are available. You will receive the training that matches your needs. 

  • Transit Orientation— For individuals or groups. Information of bus routes, schedules, and bus features are reviewed. Bus rules, fare policy and trip planning are explained and the use of mobility devices while boarding, riding and exiting is also discussed.
  • Travel Training— One-to-one short-term or comprehensive instruction.

Self-paced learning available by watching our Travel Training Video:


For additional assistance regarding transportation needs or requirements, call the Mobility Manager.  The Mobility Manager is knowledgeable about CAT and MST services as well as other transportation options in the Belknap/Merrimack Counties.